Unless otherwise specified, photos and illustrations are the property of Hôtel Zaghro in Ouarzazate and / or Marie-Aude Koiransky (www.lumieredelune.com). Photos or text which would be free of rights would be explicitly identified
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- In Morocco: Dahir n° 1-00-20, 9 kaada 1420 (February 15th, 2000) edicting law loi n° 2-00 concerning copyrights and related rights and dahir n° 1-05-192, 15 moharrem 1427 (February 15th, 2006) edicting law loi n° 34-05 that modifies and completes the former one.
- In France: Code de la propriété intellectuelle (loi n° 92-597, July 1st, 1992), and specifically articles L-111, L-112 et L-113.
- In Germany: Zweite Gesetz zur Regelung des Urheberrechts in der Informationsgesellschaft (BGBl. I 2007, S. 2513 ff.)
- In Great-Britain: Copyright sections of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended)
- In United States: Title 17 of the United States Code
- And in general in any country that signed the Berne Convention